Monday, June 7, 2010

Standard Last Words (Final Post)

As is customary, this will be a brief, un-detailed reflection upon my time here and a pathetic excuse for a goodbye to those I couldn't see in person.

I can't even begin to describe how amazing my time has been here.  As I said in my previous post, this place has become a second home to me.  I'm sure I'll constantly be making references to experiences and funny sayings back home and no one (except Paul, Mike, and Amy) will know what I'm talking about.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

To the 27 crew (this includes Jon and Jaddy): you are all crazy people.  Keep it up.  I expect no less when I see all of you again.

To the Stevo crew (this, for simplicity's sake, includes Jacob): I love all of you.  You're another family to me.  I'm still trying to think of all the family relationships this would entail, but all I can muster up so far is that Watto would have to be the father (skin color aside).  Seriously, if his hair turned gray, I wouldn't notice.

To Michelle, Nicci, Filli, Tany, and Guy: I miss all of you dearly and it'll only get worse when I get home.  I actually tear up a bit when I see the picture of all of you together.  I can't wait to see all of you again and I promise I will try my best to make it back to Switzerland next summer.

To Diane: Keep spreading the positive message of Drum & Bass.  We DnB'ers need to make sure the good word gets out.

To John: I totally wish I could have asked you to help me with my rugby skills.  My younger brother is picking it up quickly and I need to get better than him.  Perhaps another time when I return...

To Monique: I promise to try and speak with better English.  And I'll try to retain my manners when I get home.  Also, I'll be sure to let you know if/when I make plans for the European backpacking thing.

Finally, to anyone I missed, thank you very much for making this trip the spectacular experience that it was.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Definitely Not Enough Time

How do I know I haven't spent enough time here?  Simple: I still remember exactly what I'll order at Chipotle as soon as I leave O'Hare.

Looking back on my time here, I notice two very interesting phenomena: one is that this experience in Europe doesn't seem like a discontinuity with respect to the rest of my life.  It's almost as if this was supposed to happen and that there was nothing special about me leaving the United States to spend 4.5 months in South Yorkshire.  The second thing is that this place has become my second home, without a shadow of a doubt.  I already find myself using Yorkshire/English vernacular (calling me' mates 'Duck' and replying with 'Cheers' instead of 'Thank You', etc.).  I know many who've asked if I could spend my life here have heard from me that I probably wouldn't be able to, but I think that opinion may have taken a complete 360.  Maybe it's just the pre-departure blues, but I seriously think I could make a good life here if the opportunity arose.

Most importantly though, I've come to realize that one semester abroad simply isn't enough at all.  Many had said the full year was necessary and I agreed with them; if it wasn't for obligations back home, I undoubtedly would have come for all of Junior year.

But for now, I appreciate, to no end, the time I've had here and the new friends I've made.  Hopefully, that 'around the world' trip will come to fruition at some point so I can get to see them again.

And to those considering study abroad in Europe, do the full year if you can.  Seriously, it's worth double what you'll pay, at least.